Thursday, June 2, 2016

Sib date (From my phone)

During the school year we the teachers divide the work into quarters, and set goal incentives for the kids (ahem, and teenagers) who complete the tasks given them within the quarter.
Yesterday, per reward for the last quarter, we went on a sib date to see the movie "Angry Birds".

Since I didn't want to run the risk of looking tourist-like, I decided to just snap a few with my phone instead of pulling out the big guns (aka my camera). Thus, looking more like one of those people who has to take a picture of everything instead. At least I didn't pull out the selfie stick in public. ;)

Anyhoo. We went early for appointments and shopping and stuff, pulling Meg and her kiddoes along for the adventure. 

Group picture. Minus Kerri. Kerri doesn't like group pictures. (just kidding, she wasn't there, and we kindly decided that would be a good time to show how much we all like being together.)

Nephew plus uncles and aunties equals... a sugared up toddler.
(sorry Meg)

Girls just wanna go shopping.

Lil Lincoln. Entertainment for days.

We hit one of our favourite restaurants to meet Henry, Meg's terrifico husband, for supper. 
Well, we went mostly for the ice cream, but we ate supper too.

"Si, I'll share my ice cream with you if you take a picture with me." 
It worked.
Auntie bribe success. 

We had fun. We like each other.
The end.
Or peace out.
Or whatever you want this last dorky selfie to say. :)

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