Mom and Dad,
Here we are, day eight.
We have survived an entire week plus one day without you.
Upon the arrival of tomorrow's tomorrow's tomorrow (Lord willing)… you will come through our front door and be greeted by the children that have been missing you each and every day.
Today we declared the arrival of another extended weekend.
We hope to make the last of these days fun, for the kiddoes and for us big people too :)
Nothing extremely dramatic or exciting happened today.
Except for that Kerri made crepes… the kids were happy about that!
OH… and I guess the fact that we got to do a video chat with you on Skype was pretty exciting!
The kids all REALLY enjoyed that, I mean… you heard them right?!?! :)
Ah, the dirty screen. Yes, it does look terrible. And yes, I will clean it immediately :) |
The person's name drawn for gift opening today was Brooke!
Somehow it is almost midnight again.
These evening hours slip by faster then should be allowed.
I loved seeing pictures of both of you with the dolphins today. You played with both my favourite (dolphin) and least favourite (shark) of the sea creatures.
#imgladyouarestillalive #ihopeyougavethedolphinsakissforme
Tonight it is supposed to get to an extreme windchill of minus fifty-one degrees.
We basically had to keep the wood stoves going all day long today in order for it to stay warm in the house. It is really hard to imagine that spring is just around the corner!
Anyway, I am beginning to ramble.
Time for bed! :)
Love you, miss you!