Tuesday, July 26, 2016

This is the life

Summer life.
Busy, happy, I love it.

Yesterday we (the older sibs minus Meg) went boating in the evening.
I don't know how many times we shouted "It is so BEAUTIFUL!" out into the vast lake, but it was a lot. Because it was. Beautiful I mean.
There was no wind, so the water was so calm, the weather and water were both warm, it was perfect.

We had so much fun.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Camping Trip/The Second

Our camping trip began on Monday. We got some boating in with friends that evening. Then the clouds covered the sky.
Mid-afternoon on Tuesday, the rain began. And didn't stop for the next two days! But we still made the most of our time together. Some of us ran/walked in the rain, we took the kids to see a movie at the theater, hung out with Meg at our Grandparent's vacant house, took four trips with the vehicles we had to get everyone to DQ for a meal, played cards in the camper, and took lots of selfies. ;)

Once again, Ker, Bob, Zach, and I traveled home each evening to take care of the chores.

We counted twenty people in the RV at one point...

Then, finally... the sun began to shine!
We crammed a lot of fun into that last day.
Boating, tennis, a run on the trail around the lake (one of those puddle-jumping, sliding down the hills, wading across the creek because the bridge was out, kind of runs... but it was still fun. :), campfire, and more boating.
You may have noticed from the pictures that we got a new boat! This was our first time trying it out... and it was NICE! :)

Grams and Gramps came over for a visit.

Ain't she cute?!? :)

And that's it!
Hope you enjoyed this peek into our camping adventures!