Friday, September 16, 2011


So I've been sitting here for a while staring at a blank post.... wondering "what ON EARTH do I write?!?" I promised myself that I would NEVER ever let this blog become boring! But when life kind of keeps going along the same old same old-ish-ness.... it's hard to figure out what to write,
(or maybe all this could also have something to do with the fact that I've been feeling kind of lazy these past few days..... maybe?)

I have a few posts rolling around in my brain right now, but for now thats all that they are doin'.....rollin'. I know they are ready to come out soon... but I don't want to leave you all hangin' ya know???

Sooo.... I want to ask you all a favor! I want to know what kind of posts that you would be interested in!
Is/has there anything about me and my life that you have been curious about? Any topics that you'd like me to talk about? Pictures you'd like to see..... Anything, anything.... ANYTHING?
I'd really appreciate ummm.... ANY suggestions :)

Ya, so now that I've finished giving you all my excuses and my pathetic little plea...I'll give you an update on the happenings around here.

~ Though combining is done, there is still LOTS that the guys have to get done around here. They have been busy harrowing, tilling, cutting hay, sorting calves, hauling cattle, combining weeds, hauling grain and oodles of other stuff.

~ The weather has turned frightfully cold! (heehee.... frightfully cold, what am I sayin'???) The last few nights we have had some major frosts. And so we've been covering all our tomatoes and hoping that they'll stay alive. All of our 'perty' flowers are dead... sadness :(

~ We've gotten almost all the pasta sauce and salsa made that we've been wanting to make this year (we are oh so happy!) This has been the best crop of tomatoes that we have had in a few years!

~ We started school on Monday. Things are going well, I'm once again teaching Caleb and Zach while mom teaches Jesse, Nathan and Brooke.

~ Our heifer Clarabell is about to calve soon, so I'm working on training her to come into the milking barn to be milked. She is a REALLY amazing little cow, so things are going calmly and smoothly :)

And ya, besides the cold... everything else is coming along normally.
Just everyday-ness and it all be fun-ness :)

1 comment:

kmwiebe said...

Hmmm. Let's see... I like it when you tell stories about your life. Those are awesome. And the guest post was pretty cool. So maybe, do more stories? If you like to?

Also, it could be interesting to do a series of posts in which you interview older Christian women in your community about stuff. Not exactly sure what kind of stuff. Maybe about their faith journey. Or whatever interests you.

Hope that is somewhat helpful. XD