Tuesday, April 1, 2014

New Things

It is April.
April Fool's Day actually, but this post is no joke (promise!).

The date on the calendar that officially ushers in spring has arrived and departed, yet we still experience a long lingering winter.
This month (I hope, pray, beg... PLEAD!) we will be visited by muddy roads, spring rains, and the warm weather that rides in on strong southerly winds.

This is the month in which arrives an abundance of new things.
To celebrate I am announcing that there will be a "new thing" happening everyday of April on this blog.
I have decided this is the month that I will attempt to write a post a day.
It will be stretching, (life doesn't always allow the time needed to create blog material) but I WILL do this!

Due to the possible problem running out of post ideas, I NEED your help.
If there has ever been anything that you have wanted to read/see on my blog, please comment and let me know.
I would appreciate any idea, big or small!

Here we go... let April begin!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Looking forward to this!

A few questions to make you think :)

- What is something you have learned today?
- What is something that happened this winter that you weren't expecting?
- What was something that you expected to happen but didn't?
- What are you thankful for today?
- What was the last thing that made you really, really laugh?
- What are some winter memories that you will take into this summer?
- How have you grown lately?
- What is your favourite verse and why?

Breathe Deep said...

Thank you Auntie Laura! These questions are great, and I will defiantly be referring to some of them for post ideas!
Love you!

Anonymous said...

This may not be the best question(s) to blog about, but it is something I've thought a lot about and wondered how others handle.
We don't know each other, but I've been visiting your blog for nearly two years and have never commented.
Do you ever feel discouraged that you don't have "many" (many being kind of relative) comments? Do you ever feel uncomfortable that there are people looking at your blog that you don't know and don't even know anything about? (such as myself)
I imagine that over time you have received both negative and positive comments, has this ever made you think that you might want to restrict traffic to only those you know?
How do you deal with comments that are less than encouraging? Do you simply ignore them?
Do you ever feel a sense of insecurity about posts when you share information (i.e. living in Canada, last name, even full names, etc.)? If you are anything like me, if you share anything personal there is always a little feeling of insecurity and wonder about what others will think, but I also think that is just part of openly living your life in accordance with God's principles.
Thanks! And I do really enjoy your blog! I read and reread it often. Thanks for letting others see a glimpse of a little of what your life is like. :)

Breathe Deep said...

To answer your questions...
No, I don't feel discouraged that I don't receive many comments on this blog. I don't comment very often on blogs that I follow either, so I understand the lack of feedback. I do get encouragement from other sources (i.e. my family/friends tell me personally; I get comments on Facebook when I link my posts to it; the number of views in my stats), but while I LOVE it when I get comments, I don't blog to receive them. My blog is something that I feel called to as a small ministry opportunity. If one person benefits from one post... it is enough. And I continue with the hope that more people will be blessed.

No, I don't feel uncomfortable about all the "unknown" people that read my blog, nor do I feel nervous about sharing certain information.
It is always scary for me to be open and to share the things that on my heart, but I usually get more nervous about people that I know well reading it then the people I have never met. It is a place of vulnerability, but like you said, I think it is the way God would have us live.
A light shining on a hill, not one in hiding.

Yes, I have received negative comments. I always think back what the bible says about persecution (though it is such a MILD form!) and how if we are living truly for God we should expect it. I have never considered making my blog private.
Usually when I receive a nasty comment, as long as the content isn't inappropriate, I will publish it and reply. Though I try to be careful not to fight fire with fire.

I hope that answered all of your questions!
Thank you for reading my blog and for your kind words! I do appreciate ALL my readers, those silent as well as those who comment!

Mandy said...

I would love to see a whole bunch of "how we do it" posts!
So much to learn from the Pauls family!
I will look forward to all your posts in April.

Bethany2 said...

A fun idea would be an "Awkward/Awesome" post looking forward to "seeing" you more! I am always encouraged or challenged to grow closer to Christ.