Sunday, January 31, 2021

Just Words

 It's been a minute.

Last time I blogged, we were celebrating the first birthday of our first daughter. Now here we are with another beautiful baby girl just turned 3 months old.

I've realized that if I take the time to wait to upload all of the pictures I want to share, or to write all of the words swirling in my head, I'll never find the time to blog. I do feel called to use this space. For me, it is becoming not about finding the time, but making the time.

Both of my baby girls are taking their naps, and the hubs is doing his daily cattle chores, so thought it would be a good time to check in, and catch up.

Nevaeh Marie. The perfect, sweetest little new member of our family. She was born on October 25. Little stinker was 2 weeks overdue, and had the chub to prove it. She weighed in at a whopping 10 lbs 9 oz. Subsequently, while labour was induced, and we had a few good hours of labour, her birth story ended in an emergency c-section. Nevaeh's heart rate was to high and there was meconium in my water... two indications that baby girl was under to much stress for a natural birth.

But. She is here.

The day that we were to leave the hospital, we were told that Nevaeh had a heart murmur. As a result, five days after enduring a c-section (hormones and emotions raging) I had to navigate the underground tunnels of the hospital on foot, all alone (thanks covid), to check on our baby girl. We were told that she has 2 holes in her heart.

2 months later, we went for her second check up, and the doctor informed us that the holes are closing up on their own! Thank you Jesus!! Upon sharing her story on instagram, I found out that a lot of you have been through the same journey with your babies. I hadn't realized that it was so common. Definitely not something that any momma's heart wants to go through!

Other than that, and the virus that has thrown a curveball at everyone's life... our lives have been going on as usual. We have been calving for a month already. We are getting close to having half of the calves on the ground. I haven't been able to help out like I usually do, so it has been a quiet (can anyone say that when there is a toddler running around the house?!) winter for me. Abi and I venture out on the warmer days, with little sister snuggled in the baby carrier, to visit the barn and have daddy show us all of the new calves. Sometimes Ben will take Abi choring with him. It is easy to tell that she will be an animal lover, as she already tries to play with the newborn calves. Fearless little girl.

I love the newborn stage and all of the baby cuddles that comes with it, but I'm always a bit relieved once there is a bit more stability and routine in my day. Nevaeh is a great napper, so that has come a bit earlier this time than it did with Abi! It has been so much fun watching a relationship develop between our girls. Abi ADORES her little sister, and Nevaeh is starting to enjoy watching big sis run around... even trying to communicate with her at times in her own little way. <3

That is us! 

Now that life has become a bit more stable again, I'm looking forward to taking the time to write more. I'm trying to be intentional about getting things done as they need to be, but at the same time not stuffing my day so full that I don't have time spend time with the girls and Ben, and also to do the things that I love and have a passion for. It's been a learning curve, but I'm working hard at it.

Anyway, I've been rambling for a while, so I'll leave it at that for now.

Up next... a picture update.

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