Thursday, July 2, 2015

Throw A Stone

Kerri showed me this song by Cody Carnes the other day and it really played in harmony with some of the thoughts I have been thinking lately.
I have been saddened to see all of the judgement and hatred that has been going around by Christians to those who they believe are living in sin, or have sinned in the past. Somehow some of us think that it is our job to judge other's lives and pour down condemnation on the ones that we think are not acting the way that they ought to.
We often assume we have two choices. Join them, or judge them.
Really, all that we are called to do is to love people to Jesus. To be like Jesus, and to draw people to Him by showing them how much they are loved by Him.
Hatred is not going to win over any souls, it is only going to drive them farther away from love.

In our family, we tell the kids not to worry about what their siblings are doing wrong, but to rather worry about their hearts and to make sure that they themselves are doing the right thing. To focus on their personal relationship with God. 
I think that as Christians we sometimes forget that in the end what is going to matter is how we lived our lives before God. How we reacted in our own hearts to situations, and how we loved others.
Love is powerful. Lets leave the judging up to God, and start living out what He has called us to.

I picked up a magazine today
Read a story 'bout the hate
That's spreading 'cross the world
I saw a word that I've become fond of
That I've become a part of
That I've been drawn to because of love

It said Christians are pouring out the hatred
And calling it sacred
And spitting in faces
That's not right, that's not right
That's not hope
That's not the Jesus I know

I don't agree with everyone's mistakes
But that's no excuse for hate
'cause I can't justify my place to throw a stone
Oh 'cause we're all just the same
We're in desperate need of grace
And it's the mercy of our God that saved our souls

So why are Christians pouring out the hatred
And calling it sacred
And spitting in faces
That's not right, that's not right
That's not hope
That's not the Jesus I know

I was dirty and he looked me in the face
And said "Boy don't be ashamed. Your sins are washed away."
I was dirty and he looked me in the face
And said "Boy don't be ashamed. Your sins are washed away. Come home."

That's the Jesus I know
That's the Jesus I know
That's the Jesus I know
I want to be like the Jesus I know
I want to be like the Jesus I know
Come on let's be like the Jesus we know


Kanadiangirl said...

Wow! Yes, Jesus did tell us to love our neighbour as ourselves. But he also said to flee sin more than anything. And unfortunately, people who fornicate, live in same-sex relationships, steal, etc (anything against God's commandments) live in sin. And though God is a loving God, he will not help those that PURPOSELY and WILLINGLY live that way. He accepts you when you have a broken and contrite heart. When acknowledge you have sinned and want to do better. There is a big difference. Yes, there are, unfortunately MANY Christians that call themselves that, but they aren't at all. It puts a bad name to anyone who is a true Christian. But God does see the heart and you can't fool him. He sees if you really mean it or just want to look good to others. Moreover, what is in the heart, usually will show on the outside. We are not to judge, but if we see someone erring, we are allowed, and even supposed, to tell them in a loving manner what is wrong.

On a bigger picture, we know the world is getting worse and worse and the legalizing of same sex marriages is just another blow to an already demoralized world. It is NOT going to turn out well. God will not let himself be blasphemed. All I can hope and pray is that God may have mercy on us and the world.

For me, when I read the news, it was like a stab in the heart. Does no one know the story of Sodom and Gomorrah? This is what this world is coming to. And what did God tell his people to do? He said 'Get out immediately'. They were not even allowed to turn around to look at the destruction. And that is what we have to do.

K. Wiebe :D said...

@Kanadiangirl -- Gang rape is not homosexuality... Sodom and Gomorrah met their destrucion due to the sin of pride, failing to care for the needy, and being inhospitable. If you study the Bible from an academic perspective, you find that it actually has very little to say about homosexuality.

Furthermore, we have incest happening right after the Sodom and Gomorrah incident--Lot's daughers become pregnant by him. Do you find it disturbing that the Bible makes no moral judgement on this, ahem, distasteful scene?

I don't think this "true" Christianity you speak of exists. Christianity is practiced by people of many political and cultural belief systems. Yours happens to involve homophobia. Mine happens to involve acceptance and solidarity with homosexuals. This has nothing to do with the Bible, and everything to do with the political biases into which we were raised.

Jen might disagree with my liberal perspective on this. :P And that's okay. What is not okay is for gay and lesbian teens and adults to be harassed, discriminated against, or killed for their sexual orientation. Legalizing homosexual unions is a first step towards ending discrimination and violence towards them as a minority group.

@Jennifer -- Love the post, obviously. xD You are awesome.

Kanadiangirl said...

There is only ONE true Christianity. It is the true follow of Christ with all your soul, mind, and body. And it is the ONLY true religion because God created heaven and earth AND sent his only Son for US. How very, very sad it is that everyone takes this so lightly. God wants us to be saved through the blood of his Son and we are mocking him, and striking him, and spitting in his face with our sins.

Gang rape is along the same lines as fornication, adultery, same sex relationships, and so on. I don't understand why or how someone can excuse these sins. IF God would have wanted us to marry same-sex, he would NOT have instituted marriage between ONE man and ONE women. He would have given same-sex partners the ability to reproduce. But he didn't. He designed marriage between man and women only. For humans to take marriage into their own hands and twist it the way they like is an atrocity and abomination to God. Be not fooled - he will not be mocked. This is a serious issue.

I have no hatred for the people that engage in those acts. Only sincere sorrow and sadness. I pray and hope that they will see the light before it is too late, because God can and will forgive all sins, if it comes from a contrite and crushed heart.

We don't understand MANY things God did in the past (in the Bible) or now in our lives and who are we to question why he allowed 'incest'? We know there would have been incest in the beginning when there was only Adam and Eve. God has his reasons for everything and everyone. He made the earth and heavens and us. We can't even start to imagine how great He is. For people to think they know better, it just makes me cry. What has this world come too?

Kanadiangirl said...

So disappointed that you won't post my reply comment? Did I say something wrong?

Jennifer said...

We have been camping these past bunch of days, so I have not been on the internet to publish comments.