Thursday, August 30, 2018

Wedding Party - {Wedding Series Part 3}

Ben and I couldn't have asked for a better bunch of people to be in our wedding party.
They are the bomb dot com... not to mention good looking. ;)

Left to right: Sister-in-law Rebecca, Sister Kerri, Reuben's brother Raymond, my brother Joshua

We took the majority of our pictures before our wedding, which I highly recommend. Not only was it a great way to keep us busy while we waited for our wedding to begin, but it was also really nice to go straight from the ceremony to the reception.

Josh was the best flower holder person out there.

There is never a shortage of goofiness with these crazies.

My girls. <3

Ken and Jerri. :)

Boys will be boys...

These two brothers are an example of how all brothers should be. 
They are almost always up to something...

Apparently the "dab" is more difficult to do then it looks... 
Thankfully Kerri's fiancé (Ben and I call him "JoAb") was there to save the day.

I told JoAb he could be my third bridesmaid, and he didn't disappoint! ;) He ran around and grabbed us food, took a bunch of instastories with my phone, and helped so much with setting up for the wedding. 
He was also extremely good at photobombing... 

Ben and I were excited that he was willing and able to travel the 2,000ish miles to attend our wedding!

Again, Josh... phenomenal flower holder.

I love every one of these humans so much!

We had mine and Ben's nephew Andrew (far left), and my brother Michael as our ring bearers. Makayla (far right) and Taylor (mine and Ben's nieces) were our flower girls.

That's the wedding party!!

1 comment:

Josh and Rebecca Pauls said...

You really know how to pick a pretty awesome wedding party!! 😉