Wednesday, August 24, 2011

We've never been wrong!!!

A question that I will often get when I meet someone new and they find out that I have 11 siblings is, "Do you enjoy living in a large family"?
The answer to that question is YES, YES and YES.

I can't imagine what life would be like without every single one of my siblings. Children are a blessing and they add so much to my life! (not to mention they give LOTS of character training! :)
Every single baby that arrives into our family is special and I get VERY excited to meet each and every new little life.

My sisters and I have an uncanny ability to guess when mom is expecting. I guess it has happened enough times that we can tell when her mood changes (not in a bad way.... just in a "mommy" way :).
We've never been wrong.
Us girls will usually come together and find that we are all thinking the same thing (yup, she is definately pregnant again!) and then we'll usually wait a little while before we casually ask her if she is indeed pregnant.
With all that said, I would like to say that....

(yes I'm serious.... no I'm not joking!)
#13 is on it's way....YAHOO!!!!!!!!!

This time Mom decided to tell us right away instead of trying to wait 2 or 3 months. (because she knew that we were just to smart and would have guessed it already anyway. :)
And we were REALLY good at our detective game this time, we knew just about the same time that she found out ;) I guess that's just what happens when you are good friends with your mum. :)

So ya... I'm VERY excited to announce that our sweet new blessing will arrive sometime in the middle of March (Lord willing).



Rebekah said...

I've had that question too- and yes, growing up with so many siblings is so much fun! As we get older... I see how each one is so different from the other.

Farm Girl Hannah said...

Congrats!!!! I LOVE my 5 siblings and would love to have more but that's all the God has blessed us with.

Congrats Again!

Marcy said...

Oh, I am so excited for you all!!!! Babies bring so much joy to a home...

Love ya!

Marcy said...

Oops! I didn't realize my Mom was signed in! This is McKenzie:)