Thursday, May 26, 2011

Breaking the Silence

Well, once again I have left you all postless, I've been silent... just plain old blah. 
Once again it is all in the name of busyness! Things have been kinda crazy around here as we have been trying to get seeding, tilling, mowing and gardening done before we get another dump of rain. 
Everything around here is REALLY wet as we've been having lots of rain lately... but we thank God that we have been able to get most of our crops in already!

Today us girls were busy putting the garden. Like I already said.. it was WET. But we just needed to get it in, because we were not sure when we would have a chance to get into the garden again. We got it all in except for a few rows of potatoes. So we is happy :)

This picture is proof that I was working today... oh and that I'm still alive and hope to be more "blog able" soonish :)

And these are pictures that I took of Jade today. He was making all sorts of funny faces, so I picked up Meg's camera *gasp* and snapped some pictures. 

Ain't he just cute?!?!?!
That's what I though :)

Hope you all had a great Thursday!


~ McKenzie Elizabeth~ said...

Hey Jenny!
Yes, he is too cute:) What a boring place this world would be without little ones!

Have a super weekend~


Laura said...

Yay ...for the garden!

Wow, Jaden how did he get so big and chubby ....I love it! I cannot believe he has front teeth, so sweet! Tell him to stop growing so fast;-)
Love ~
Aunt Laura