Monday, October 26, 2015

Shingling at the Theissens

Ready for another picture post?? Good, because I am on a roll here! :)

Right before heading out on our trip to Arizona we went to our good friends, the Theissen's, place to help them shingle their roof.
We parked our RV on their yard, and spent a couple of days working, playing and visiting hard. These dear friends are so special to us, we were so happy to be able to help them out!

This is Shayla. She is all that is awesome. Such a sweet, sweet friend!

Ker and I love hanging out with her!!

This is Shayla's Grandma. 
She is one of those people that you can't help but love. 
And... she can play "Apples to Apples" like nobody's business! :)

We were fed such yummy food!!

The little girls had so much fun playing with all of the puppies and kittens.

And here are the boys/men, hard at work! They had quite the crew going!

Mr. Thiessen had a birthday while we were there. 
We made him a cake of doughnuts, and sang to him on the roof.

Kerri makes the best doughnuts evvvvver!! 
(in my completely unbiased opinion ;)

Have I mentioned that we love these people?! 

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