Saturday, November 2, 2013


These days our life had been like a huge checklist.
The countdown was not in days left, but rather.... projects left.
One by one we tackled each task... working together as a family. And today we were finally able to check off the list!

Harvest - Check!
Fall field work - Check!
Siding Henry and Megan's house - Check!
Shingling Pastor's house - Check!
Bringing cows home - Check!
Buy an RV - Check!
Cut, split and stack wood for the winter - Check!
Get yard/house winterized - Check!
And finally....
Get packed for a 2 week trip - Check!

And so it is as of this morning that we are off on what is promising to be a FUN filled family vacation!

Internet connection permitting, I will be blogging updates/pictures as often as possible... until then!

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